28th Jan

we discussed about some questions in today’s class, and we came up with few questions for our report.

  • Where are situations involving mentally ill people concentrated, and where are body cameras most frequently used?
  • How many women have been killed in gunshots involving mental illness in comparison to men?
  • What period of time does it take on average for shootings to occur?
  • What factors cause the deaths of children under ten in shootings?

so me and Neena will find the answer using python.

Lavanya’s 21st Jan

We have discussed about the Action Theory.

Action Theory:

Action theory is the conversion of raw data into an objective. the objective is nothing but while analyzing the data what  raising in our mind.

And how to create the word press “usernamemth522.site.umassd.edu”

we discussed about the sheet of Washington post police shooting


which people state have more shoot? while comparing the state of IN and TA have more shoots

And how will predict the data if we do not have complete value?

how to analyze the people by age wise