25th Feb, 6th week

This class we discussed about Noor Project. And I have Completed the project to find the values for Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation and Variance by using python program.  I have started my part for the below question as well.

What is the rate of women and men killed with mental illness?

What is the average period of shooting the normal and mental illness people killed?


Feb 18th, 5th Week

This week we don’t have class, So I get started working in Python for my 2 questions,

  • How many women have been killed in gunshots involving mental illness in comparison to men?
  • What period of time does it take on average for shootings to occur

Feb-12, 4th week

This week, we explored Mathematica, I started working on our assignment, which entails utilizing Python and Excel to determine the mean, median, standard deviation, as well as the highest and minimum numbers,

Feb-4, 3rd Week

My classmate Nina and I discussed about the assignment. In addition, we talked about data analysis to identify locations with a high concentration for shooting occurrences involving individuals with mental illnesses, ranked by police station, and investigating correlations between these incidents. I am currently working on the part that involves coding in Python. Are the individuals who were shot by the police from the same nation or from separate nations? This is another topic we plan to include.